SCORPIVS is ancient; the scientific term for SCORPIO...

      Welcome to the scorpivs virtual inter/dimensional portal;
      as with universal exchange/transit environments, please
      be aware of your own actions as well as those of others.

      This portal will avoid the clutter until users require rules.

Donate Bitcoins


The technology exists...  The law allows us...  and...

It's already available in many U.S. cities and small towns.
It is simply a matter of cooperation, "organized" or otherwise.

 --Still, everyone knows what "organizations" want...
and that kind of money isn't going to research and development, but
over-salaried industry soldiers and their after-market production.

We are currently developing a collective effort to
elevate online experience to a state of freedom
and ease equal to breathing the air around us all:

[If] we keep it clean as we can;
combine our individual efforts;
working toward common goals
and not those of the Big Dog

One or two wireless routers per city block oughtta do it, people.

Boycott is a harsh term, but if the money-grubbing ISPs will not
listen to the voice of reason...

They WILL answer to ATTRITION.

Have an interesting page or tab submission to add?
Please email it to for consideration

                                  One scratch for man, One giant mix for mankind!